
January 2015

I can't believe February is half way over... I didn't document anything from last month, except one picture from New Years, so here is what January 2015 looked like for us.

++ Katie and I went to Hannah's lingerie party on January 10th. 

++ I turned 25 this month! Josh and I went out to dinner with my family the night before, (which I took no pictures of) because my actual birthday was Hannah and Paul's wedding day!

++ Hannah and Paul's wedding! 

My 25th birthday was spent celebrating one of my sweetest friend's special day and I'm so glad I got to spend it with my closest friends and family.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful bride! ^

#bookerhookedher2015 :)

++ The last weekend in January we went up to Roanoke for Josh's grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party! And also because we found out earlier that week that Josh's family is being relocated to Atlanta this summer.

We had a good first month of the year, but wow it went by so fast!

Happy rest of February!

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