
Surprise Snow Day!

Josh got up for work this morning and I heard him yell from the living room, "Babe, check for school closings!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the window and saw snow falling! It was very exciting since this was not forecasted at all. Even though it was a pretty lame accumulation, school was cancelled for me and Josh worked from home and we had a fun day relaxing. :) 

We took Kitty outside to see the snow and he rolled around in it and ate some grass. 

While I did have a fun day, I'm a little annoyed with all of the snow days. We missed everyday last week (Feb. 17-20) because of an 1/2 inch of snow and about 1/10 inch of ice on Monday! But now they're calling for 4-6 inches tomorrow night-Thursday morning. Ahhhh I need Spring to get here ASAP,

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