
The Move to Atlanta

We found out at the beginning of this year that my father-in-law's company was closing their Roanoke branch and relocating everyone to Atlanta. After many months of talking and planning Josh's parents and 2 sisters moved down there at the end of July. 
Before they left, we went up to visit one last time the weekend of July 4th and took these pictures in front of their house. This will be the only house that Josh's whole family will ever live in together. They moved there a few months before Josh's little sister Chloe was born. (Even I lived there for 2 months after Josh and I got married.) 

(Josh's sister Charity was in Korea for 6 weeks before they moved so she was not in these pictures.)
The weekend they moved down to Atlanta they stopped by our apartment. Matt ended up staying with us for the weekend but the rest of the family just came by for a pit stop. We snapped some family pictures which will be the last ones for a while.

We miss them already :(

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