
June so far...

June started out with a fun anniversary weekend. We went to The Cheesecake Factory and Ikea in Charlotte! We decided that for anniversary gifts to each other we wanted to get furniture for our new apartment, so we went to look for ideas in Ikea. We had a really fun night and Josh bought me lots of picture frames. :) We were able to start a list of what we want to buy before we move on August 2nd! 

Josh got me that beautiful bouquet of peonies for our anniversary and I went to meet him in Burlington for lunch on our actual anniversary, which was a Monday.  That night we went out to Outwest for dinner. Outwest Steakhouse in Kernersville is where we had our rehearsal dinner, so we've made it a tradition to go back every year.

I have had a lot of time off of work so far this month, with the break between the Preschool school year and the summer program. I have been cleaning our apartment and getting some rest before the summer gets very busy. 

The second weekend in June we went sofa shopping and went to our new apartments in Burlington to measure rooms for furniture. We also went to see the new X-men movie, which was awesome!! 

As I've been putting together pictures for this post I'm realizing that I really only have pictures from the weekends. The weekdays are pretty boring these days, now that Josh works everyday in Burlington and is gone from 7am-6pm. Anyway, the third weekend in June we went up to Roanoke to see Josh's dad for Father's Day. We spent Saturday shopping with his family and he got a new ping pong paddle for work. Then after dinner with his grandparents we went with Chloe and Matt to get shaved ice. On Sunday we drove back to NC, so we could see my dad for Father's Day as well and be back for a busy week.

Last week, the summer program at the Preschool started and we had a great first week! I'm excited to spend time with those sweet kiddos this summer. :) Yesterday, Josh's brother came to visit. We took him to Burlington to show him where we are moving! Josh took us to an awesome restaurant some of his coworkers showed him in downtown called Zack's. We went shopping and looked around lots of places and drove by our new apartments. Then we came back by High Point to take Matt by The Red House and eat at Tokyo Express. It was lots of fun. 

I can't believe this is the last week of June! I am going to be watching the triplets all week this week and doing preschool. It will be very busy. I'm already ready for the weekend.. 

Here are a few more random pictures from this month:

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