
Summer 2013: Oak Island

The day after Josh and I got back from California we hit the road for Oak Island! We stayed in a small ocean front hotel that we stayed at on our honeymoon. 

We were very excited to be at the beach, but very exhausted from the traveling.  The first full day was cloudy and rainy, so we rested and got ready for the week.

Josh worked this week from the hotel, since he got a lot of new projects while in San Diego. He came out to the beach with me everyday and of course had to dig for shark's teeth, a Bryant family tradition.

I took this picture, as the sun was setting, from our balcony. :) We had a great view.

One night we went to Josh's favorite seafood restaurant on the island, Jones Seafood. Afterwards we played putt putt! Josh won... but only by a few strokes. ;)

Thursday night there was a big storm coming towards the coast so we went out to see the lighthouse early in the evening. Josh gets annoyed with how much I love to take pictures, but he always sets the self timer and runs for it without complaining. :)

On the last full day of the vacation I woke and saw the sun was rising. It was beautiful. I love this panorama shot from my iPhone. I have an old iPhone so I use a panorama app, but I love how this one turned out.

This trip was fun and relaxing. Even though Josh worked some we were able to sleep in, take walks on the beach, look for sharks teeth, eat at our favorite places, and watch shows on cable! Haha :) I'm so glad we got married a little over a year ago. We've had lots of fun. :)

The last night we went to walk on the pier next to our hotel. The first picture makes it look empty, but by the time we left it was filled with families fishing and looking out at the water. We saw dolphins and jellyfish and we saw three people catch baby sharks!

After we walked on the pier we bought twix ice cream bars (Josh's favorite) at the pier store and went for a walk on the beach. Josh found the biggest shark tooth of the trip and we saw another fisherman catch a shark from the shore.

Saturday morning we went to take one last walk on the beach. We wanted to find one more shark tooth to make the total for the week 40 shark's teeth! The sky was so blue and it was such a nice day, we were sad we had to leave! But we were very glad to finally go HOME. The last picture is Josh driving with no hands because of all the traffic.

I'm so glad we got to go back to Oak Island for our anniversary! It was our 4th trip there since we've been married, so we really feel like it's our beach. :) We had a great two week vacation! It was a great start to our summer!

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