
"Bryant Christmas Vacation"

On December 20th, one of Josh's friends from college got married! I had been looking forward to this wedding for months! We were so excited to see Rich and his new wife Kelsey and it was the first wedding that we've been to since we got married. :)

The wedding was on a Friday night in Williamsburg, Virginia so we left right after I got done with preschool and got to stay in a hotel after. We joked that this was our "Christmas Vacation" because we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation this week.

The wedding was beautiful and so was the reception. We got to enjoy hot chocolate, cookies, candy, sparkling apple cider, and dancing! ;) Afterwards we were feeling a little crazy (since we were on our Christmas "vacation") so we went to Olive Garden for a late dinner. We had chicken alfredo and got some Black Tie Mousse Cake to go. :) Staying in hotels is so fun. 

We decided to go to Josh's family in Roanoke on Saturday for Christmas since we were already up in Virginia, but first we got to spend the day in Williamsburg! We went to Colonial Downtown to shop for some last minute gifts and see the chapel where Josh's parents got married (27 years ago, the same day as Rich and Kelsey.) It was a PERFECT day! Sunny and 72 degrees 4 days before Christmas!

After walking all the way down to the end of the "town" we realized we had gone the wrong way, so we started walking all the way back to the other end. It was time for lunch so about half way down we stopped and ate at The Trellis. It was a fun place to eat. We later found out that it was where Josh's parents had their first date.

Then we kept walking and finally made it to The Wren Building. 

We moved a very old chair to self timer these pictures.

After the chapel we finished up shopping and went back to our favorite store J. Fenton Quilts Unlimited to take a picture at their tree. 

On the way out of Willaimsburg we stopped at the HUGE Yankee Candle store to see why it was so huge!

It was full of candles and candy and Christmas decorations. There was a huge fountain in the middle and there were tons of families there taking pictures with Santa! We were about to leave when we found a room called Christmas Village. There was live music under the stars. It even snowed while we were in there!

After the Yankee Candle store we got on the road to go to Roanoke. It took about 4 hours. We stopped in Lynchburg to see Liberty's decorations! 

Josh's family was visiting more family in Lynchburg so we all had dinner and then Josh, his little sister Chloe, and I stopped in Bedford on the way to Roanoke to see the lights at the Elks Home.

We had a great trip to Williamsburg and now we've enjoyed a great a few days with Josh's family for Christmas! :)

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