
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Okay, confession: our tree has been up since mid November. I know, I know, "let the turkeys have their day blah blah blah," but seriously, get over it. We love Christmas. :) And we had a perfectly lovely Thanksgiving.

We put the tree up early to help our kitty adjust to having such a fun jungle gym of a toy right in the middle of our apartment. I'd say it worked pretty well. He has been behaving and only messes with it when he wants some attention and playtime from us. We didn't decorate it until the day before Thanksgiving. I just couldn't wait any longer. ;) 

I love our little tree. I grew up always having real Christmas trees in my family's house, but Josh is allergic, so last year we got ours for $30 on Black Friday at Target.. and I love it! :) I seriously wish it was acceptable to keep it up year round.

We finally got a tree topper last week and I really like it! I also love our wooden initial ornament I got on Very Jane last year! The ornament on the bottom left ^ has a program from our wedding inside. :) 

Christmas is so fun! :) 

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