
Katie & Ethan's Engagement Party

May 4, 2014

My best friend is getting married in September! Although her wonderful fiance proposed back in January, I have been "planning" this party since she threw an engagement party for Josh and me back in December 2010. Ha! My mom and I worked together to pull it off and it turned out to be a great party and a really fun night!

My awesome husband cooked all of the burgers and chicken for our slider bar. He is the best! (and I am a failure for not getting a good picture of the awesome slider bar..)

These are 4 of my best friends. Our other 3 were occupied with finals and with living all the way across the country in Oregon!

The 4 of us are bridesmaids along with Ethan's sister, Lisa! 
(Ignore my awkward pose...)

And here's a shot of Ethan with his groomsmen minus his brother, Shawn, who was not feeling well.

There were about 45ish people at the party including their family and friends from church and work.
Here is a picture of Katie and Ethan with Ethan's family.

And here they are with Katie's family.

And here is the happy couple with my family! I love this picture!

Katie and I have been best friends since we were 10 and we have been best friends with Meredith since we were 15. They were both bridesmaids in my wedding and are truly my closest friends. They threw me and Josh an engagement party where we took this picture that we wanted to recreate:

Here are a few attempts:

This is the best one we got:

I love Katie and Ethan and I am so excited for their wedding and their future together. I'm glad we had a fun time to celebrate it!

Can't wait for September 21st!