
2014: Year in Review

JANUARY: We kicked off 2014 drinking sparkling grape juice and watching the ball drop in our apartment after a fun dinner date with friends. :) Katie and Ethan got engaged! And I turned 24 and got a new camera for my birthday!

FEBRUARY: It snowed a lot in February so I had a lot of days off from school, we watched the Olympics all the time, and Josh turned 25!

MARCH: We went to Roanoke for Chloe's Doctor Who themed 12th birthday party, went to Ikea with my family, and took some walks in the park as the weather warmed up.

APRIL: I dragged Josh to the park to take lots of pictures of the spring blooms, we went up to Charlottesville and Liberty with Stef-drizzle, and went back to show Matt around Liberty at the end of the month. We also went out with my family for my dad's birthday. :)

MAY: Josh started a new job which meant we started preparing to move; my mom and I threw Katie and Ethan an engagement party; and Rebekah and Matt graduated from UNCG andVirginia Western, a day apart, the weekend of Mother's Day!

JUNE: We celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary with a trip to the Cheesecake Factory and Ikea in Charlotte and then a date night at Out West in Kernersville (where we had our rehearsal dinner); we visited Josh's family in Roanoke; Josh's brother came to visit; and we found new apartments to move into and started packing.

JULY: We saw the K-vegas fireworks; went shopping for a couch for our new apartment; went out with Rebekah for her 23rd birthday; had my last couple weeks with the triplets; and packed up the whole apartment

AUGUST: WE MOVED on August 2nd and started getting acquainted with the new area we moved to. We went to Roanoke for Josh's dad's surprise party and celebrated my mom's birthday too.

SEPTEMBER: On Labor Day weekend we went to the beach with my parents and had so much fun!! Then it was it was time for wedding mode with showers and parties for Katie and then the wedding! Josh and I also had some lazy days with Kitty eating pizza and watching Panther football and Josh's mom, sister, and brother came to visit and we took a trip to Ikea.

OCTOBER: We went to Liberty for Homecoming with my parents and hung out with Matt; then we went to Roanoke for Josh's mom's birthday and his grandfather's birthday. 

NOVEMBER: We went on our first nice date night since we moved; cleaned out my grandma's house; decorated super early for Christmas #nottoosoon; Matt came to visit!; and we had a fun Thanksgiving with both of our families.

DECEMBER: We went to see the lights at Tanglewood with my parents; Matt came to visit again (and we didn't take any pictures :/ ); sent out Christmas cards; and had so much fun with Josh's family and my family for Christmas!!

This year has been a crazy one. A year of blessings, new beginnings, and some hard transitions. Sometimes it's hard to understand what God is doing in our lives, but looking back over this year I'm more thankful than ever for the family and friends God has placed in my life.
I'm ready for a new year. Hopefully filled with some exciting new things in our life.

Happy New Years everyone!


I'm linking this post up with Brooke at Silver Lining :)


  1. I love this. I love your focus on traveling and being with family and friends. Those are two things that make me the happiest! Sounds like a busy and fun year. Thanks so much for linking up!

  2. Happy 2015 to y'all! -Stef-Drizzle ;)
